Kazaa Scanner 1.7 Kazaa Scanner is a free P2P add-on utility to move downloaded files immediately into 'quarantine' (an unshared folder). This allows reviewing before files are moved into a shared upload folder. Other Kazaa users will still be able to upload your existing files. - Improves the quality of files available on the P2P network. - Review files for duds before allowing uploading. - Maximum privacy without not sharing. Save on bandwidth. - Organize your folders automatically. - Works with all versions of Kazaa and Kazaa Lite + other P2P programs. - Does not modify your existing install of Kazaa in any way. - No popup ads. No spyware. 100% free. Existing files in your shared folder (up to 4000 files) will not be moved and will continue to be shared. You can enter command line options if you wish the program to default to your folders of choice. Use the following: [Kazaa Download Folder (in quotes)],[Folder to Move Files Into (in quotes)],[Scan Interval in Second (max 30, in quotes)],[File extension to ignore (in quotes)],[File suffix to ignore (in quotes)],[WarnOnExit (defaults to "0", use "1" otherwise, in quotes)] Example: kazaascan.exe "C:\Program Files\KaZaA Lite\My Shared Folder\", "C:\Program Files\KaZaA Lite\Quarantine\","5",".dat","__INCOMPLETE___","0" The scanning interval defaults to 1 second. The file extension to ignore defaults to ".dat". The file suffix to ignore defaults to "__INCOMPLETE___". To have the utility scan immediately when the application is loaded, check "Start scanning automatically when scanner is started" on the screen. Send money to whoever you want to, preferrably to someone who shares software. Compliments of U.B. Thorhaug. Send me your feedback and ideas. Email: thorhaug@telus.net Credit to VB Center for code to minimize the application to the system tray. For how to do this and other tutorials, see http://vbcenter.cjb.net Look for new versions at: http://www3.telus.net/starthere Version History: Version 1.7 - Added option to enable or disable exit warning. Version 1.6 - Added warning when exiting. Version 1.5 - System Tray icon minimizable. - Disable changing folders while scanning. - Increase Existing File limit to 4000 files. - Option to create output folder if one does not exist. Version 1.4 - Added the folder explorer. - When scanning is enabled, one last scan is executed when the scanner is closed. (thanks again Bert) Version 1.3 - Added the ability to start scanning automatically when the application loads. Version 1.2 - Added the ability to ignore files suffixed by WinMX and other programs. (thanks Bert) - Added the file count in the caption for easy viewing. (thanks Bert) - Renames incoming file incrementally when duplicates found in Out Folder. No more deleting. (thanks Rob) Version 1.1 -Fixed the problem when folders didn't end in backslash "\". -Upped the 'Existing Files' limit to 1000. -Allow command line entry of what file extension to ignore (defaults to ".dat"). -Overwrites files in Output folder if new file with same name is downloaded. -Automatically saves your folder settings in registry. Version 1.0 First release.